
Consent Forms

The following consent forms are required for EVERY off-site activity.

The TG21 is the main form, complete this and if you tick the box that there is some medical information we need to know then complete the TG23 form. 

File Name: TG-Form-021
File Size: 47 kb
Download File
File Name: TG-Form-023
File Size: 45 kb
Download File
  7640 Hits
7640 Hits

Civilian Committee

2499 ATC Squadron Civilian Committee (CivCom)

Every ATC squadron has its own Civilian Committee comprised of current/past parents/guardians of cadets, past cadets and other volunteers. The squadron's Commanding Officer also sits on the committee.

The role of 2499 ATC Squadron's Civilian Committee is to:
- raise funds to help cadets get the most out of their time in the squadron (through subscriptions, social events, quiz nights, supermarket bag packs and other means)
- manage squadron funds and approve expenditure requests
- provide practical support to the uniformed staff
- keep parents of cadets informed about fundraising events and other cadet events

We are a very friendly team who meet six times per year at squadron HQ on a squadron meeting night (either a Monday or Wednesday).

If you are interested in helping 2499 ATC squadron to be successful you are very welcome to join us as a Civilian Committee member (it is not a big commitment). To find out more please speak to the squadron staff or email the Committee directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A few hours of your time will make a big difference to many young people!

Many thanks,

Civilian Committee Chair, 2499 ATC Squadron 

  10453 Hits
10453 Hits

Join Us

Join us....

You can join us when you enter School Year 8 or above. All are welcome and there is no waiting list or registration process, simply come along to one of our open sessions. Please contact us before you come along just so we are expecting you.

The open sessions last for about an hour.  Please come along with a parent at 8.00pm.  You will be given a presentation on the ATC and 2499 Squadron and have a chance to look at what the cadets are doing that evening.

You will stay for the rest of the evening and can be collected by your parent at 9.30pm.

Our next Induction evening will be on the 10th January 2024

This will be at our premises - Elizabeth Park, Pyke Close,Wokingham RG40 1SZ

Find and Contact us...

We are located at the Joint Cadet Centre -  Elizabeth Park, Pyke Close,Wokingham RG40 1SZ


Squadron Mobile : 07956 513432  Monday and Wednesday between 19:30 and 21:30.

Email - General

To contact the Squadron for any general matters, such as joining dates, event information or absences, use This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Email - Officer Commanding

If you would like to contact the Officer Commanding directly with any private or personal matters, please use This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  126420 Hits
126420 Hits